
Nerf+Halo = Match Made in Heaven

Hot news from Halo of Nerf. Gamestop is taking pre-orders on a new Halo Nerf gun to be showcased in the upcoming Halo Infinite. The toy is expected to ship/become available  October 1, 2020 The MA40 features: Dart-Firing Halo Blaster Replica: This MA40 blaster is inspired by the one in Halo Infinite, capturing the look of the blaster from the next chapter in this legendary video game franchise Motorized Dart Blasting: Scorch the battlefield with motorized dart blasting! Hold down the acceleration button to power up the motor, and press the trigger to fire Included 10 Dart Clip and 10 Nerf Darts: Includes a 10-dart clip and 10 Official Nerf Elite foam darts that are tested and approved for performance and quality Rail Riser for…

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Umbrella Academy Season 2 Review

It’s been a bit more than a year since we were first introduced to the quirky superheros known as The Umbrella Academy. If you’ve yet to watch season 1, I strongly urge you to jump in. You won’t be disappointed. Minor spoilers ahead. Season 2 starts off right where we left things at the end of season 1 finale, Vanya has gone Coo-coo for cocoa puffs, a huge piece of space rock from the moon is hurdling towards Earth and Five zaps his family out of harms way and into the past with the intention of preventing them from being killed along with the rest of world. As we know, Five hasn’t got the greatest track record and As we’ve seen in season 1, Five’s…

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Destroy All Humans! Review (Xbox One)

There was a time in the not so distant past where alien invasion movies were all the rage. The special effects were pure cheese even for their time but there’s something really special about that little slice of Americana. Even Tim Burton’s incredible Mars Attacks is an incredible big budget, yet perfect, nod to those films and it’s easily my favorite of Burton’s films. 15 long years ago, I stumbled on Destroy All Humans! at my local EB Games and just from the box art and knowing it was paying homage to those old movies from the 50s, I had to have it. I remember really enjoying the game as a whole but I also recall there being some incredibly frustrating gameplay mechanics and bugs.…

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Ash – Film Review

Where do I start with this review? I’ve been pondering the movie Ash from Canadian filmmaker Andrew Huculiak for a few days now and have been trying to decide how to do this. By far this is one of, if not the most, difficult movie reviews I’ve had to do. I can’t fully divulge my feelings and thoughts on this film without full-on spoilers and that’s not typically how I like to do things. This is going to be a movie that will be rather polarizing. So if you want to go into this, I’ll explain a little later. Whelp… here it goes. Ash tells the story of a down on his luck small-town reporter, Stan Hurst (Tim Guinee), who is trying desperately to draw…

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Ghost of Tsushima – Review

Jin resting with his horse

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen anything from Sucker Punch, the studio behind the Infamous series and everyone was likely assuming that they were hard at work on another installment of said series when Ghost of Tsushima was announced at Paris Games Week in 2017. A bold move for one of the premier studios in Sony’s portfolio. At E3 in 2018, we finally got a small taste of what to expect from this new mysterious title with a gameplay reveal featuring Jin, the series protagonist, riding his horse, Nobu, through these sweeping fields with white plants as the wind blew in gusts all around him and he enteredinto a forested area and squares off against 5 enemies and it was an absolute thing…

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Iron Man VR

I have this sort of love/hate relationship with VR. I love the technology behind it. I’m a huge fan of the immersion it provides gamers and can completely see how it can appreciate what the future may hold but I’m one of those lucky people who get severe motion sickness. I last all of 20 seconds Gran Turismo before I had to violently rip the helmet from my head because I was certain I was about to see what I had for breakfast. That’s not to say that some games I do Ok with. I just need frequent breaks, Resident Evil 7 remains my top experience to this day and On rails games like Until Dawn: Rush of Blood are good so when I saw…

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Unsolved Mysteries – (P)Review

Ask anyone who grew up in the 80s and 90s to name a song that would instantly send chills up their spine and I’m willing to bet you that most would tell you Unsolved Mysteries. When Netflix announced last year that they would be resurrecting this series from the dead I was instantly on board. I’ve seen the first 6 episodes which come out July 1 of the planned 12 episode first season. One thing that fans of the original series will pick up on right away is there is no longer any host. The late Robert Stack was the face of the series but I feel like they made the right decision to not replace him. They do a wonderful job paying homage to…

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The Last of Us 2 Review – PS4

***Please note that while I try to remain spoiler free, there may be some minor spoilers contained within. *** It’s been 7 years since we saw Joel bust into a Firefly operating room, shoot the place up and take Ellie off the operating table saving her life but possibly damning the rest of humanity in doing so. When he explains to her that there were whole lot more people with immunity none of whom were able to help create a vaccine for the cordyceps virus. He further tells her that they had stopped the research into a cure. Fast forward 4 years after the events of the first game, the Firelies have disbanded and life in Jackson is going pretty well. They have a nice…

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Space Force Season 1 – Review

Space Force is the latest comedy series from the people who created the American version of The Office starring Steve Carell and John Malkovich.

Minecraft Dungeons Review (Xbox)

I have a confession. I don’t get Minecraft. There.. it’s out in the open. Everyone knows I don’t like nor do I play Minecraft. I’ve watched people and my oldest daughter play but I can’t watch it for more than 5 minutes.